Thursday, June 2, 2011

One month in my wine adventure...

A little over a month in now and the summer season is really starting to pick up now. I was having server nightmares for a while there, which would literally make me sit up from a deep sleep (haha) Weird! On my tally mark so far I've only broke 2 empty glasses and spilled one drink, on myself, which of course was a strawberry daiquiri on my white jacket. It’s getting to be quite the rush in the dining room, craziness behind the scenes, but a challenge which ensures no repetitive routine. Not like our daily chicken, rice, and vegetables offered in Captain Charlie’s employee cafeteria; not much of a variety. I enjoy getting compliments from the guests on my wine suggests, they also love hearing the story of how I came here from California. They wonder why I'd move for the summer from sunny California to an island in northern Michigan, I just say I took a wrong turn and ended up here. I usually get a few laughs out of them with that line. When it comes down to it, it’s an honor for me to work at such a prestige’s hotel. You won’t believe it, but I've meant 2 groups of guests that are from California, in fact, from Ridgecrest and Lancaster. What are the odds that we would meet on an island in Michigan and out of the entire dining room these people would be sitting in my section. I think its God giving me a little touch of home :) All of my fellow wine stewards I work with have really neat accents from their home, like Jamaica, Alabama, Michigan, Alaska, and Thailand. Apparently I have a Californian drawl, whatever that means. Maybe I don't annunciate, more like a mumble, but I guess it’s a smooth, cool speech. I’m picking up on my sales skills out here, hoping that it’s a gene I picked up from my dad since he’s in sales (heeehee). So far I’ve learned that the power of suggestion works, most people don’t know what they want until you suggest or persuade them. If I get good at this maybe I’ll get into wine sales when I get back home.
On the flip side, had some mini adventures here on the island. For one, my friend Calli and I decided to go on a little walk in between our shifts at work. What started off as a stroll turned into a 6 mile hike and barely making it back to work in time. Lesson learned: bring a map cause the idea of following water if you’re lost doesn’t work on an island. How do you get lost on an island? (haha) We ended up having to back track our entire hike. Another fun trip was venturing off the island. You can feel very isolated if you stay on an island to long, which makes going to Walmart in a motorized vehicle and getting McDonalds quite the treat. Also spent a day off the island walking around Mackinaw City, stumbling across a bicycle race celebration, joining in with the festivities by getting a pitcher of beer, sampling local wine, and then treating ourselves to a Italian dinner (because I miss olive oil) and MORE wine. Found a couple favorite shops, like an outdoor world, a mini Bass Pro Shop.  It is quite gorgeous here on the island; on our 6 mile hike we came across Fort Holmes, which is the highest point on the island (note: no mountains up here) Stunning view! I can see Lake Michigan, the Straits of Mackinaw, Lake Huron, and the Canadian coast. The weather is bipolar here. The beginning of the day it will be sunny and beautiful, but when I leave work, of course, it’s cold and pouring rain. The one day I actually prepare myself by bring my rain boats and jacket to work because I heard there’s a huge storm coming….guess what, I doesn’t rain. So I’m looking pretty funny walking home from work in my rain gear when it’s clear skies. Some of the islanders are interesting and I can’t find Dr. Pepper anywhere, but besides all that, I feel humble out here. Maybe it’s because there’s on cars, not like the hustle and bustle of LA, I have to take peaceful time to walk to work, my living courters is like a little community, even amongst all us coworkers, or that I feel honored to work at the Grand. I can’t even comprehend how many people I will meet this summer.
A couple exciting events at the hotel. First, the Knights of Columbus stayed here for a few days. I had the lucky chance to work the front porch while they performed their living rosary on the front lawn. Beautiful! All the knights dressed up and circled to make a rosary symbol while reciting their Catholic prayers. It was nice to actually know what was going on. Right now, the Detroit Chamber of Commerce is here, along with new crews and radio talk shows. We had a huge cocktail banquet last night (my favorite job to do) and I was stationed making martinis and pouring them through an ice sculptor. My second one ever doing and a news crew comes along and interviews me while making the guest a gray goose martini. I’m gonna be on TV! I have no weekend life anymore; the weekend is just an extension of the regular work week, but that’s alright because I’m making money instead :D I don’t go out much anymore, but when I do… well those stories will be for another blog. Have to say, I do miss my country parties…. and in-n-out and trader joes. Found another church here, Little Stone Church, which has been around since 1897. A traditional congregation church; reminds me of the church in Northville, NY (my family’s hometown) actually, a lot of this island reminds me of Northville, which makes me feel a little more at home. Even my room isn't looking like a jail cell anymore. The town is getting really busy and there’s a consistent smell of fudge in the air.  I can't wait to share all my stories when I get back home, gives me something to talk about for awhile (haha)Please continue to pray for me, for concentration and energy.  I pray for blessings and safety for all of you. I start off my day now with the verse Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"
Love, Kristine